Hello and welcome!
I recently competed on the History Channel's Forged In Fire.
It was an excellent experience that challenged my skills and craftsmanship.
Be sure to check out Forged In Fire Season 8, Teeth of the Tegha!

Welcome to Forge33.
A Veteran owned and operated
bladesmith shop for creating quality, custom, handmade knives and sheaths to suit your needs...
Please contact me via email: forge33w@gmail.com
for all your knife orders and questions.
Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram. The link is on this webpage.
Enjoy your visit!
(available pieces in gallery)

2 new Damascus knives available! email me for pricing and details: forge33w@gmail.com

400 layer ladder pattern damascus blade, with Birch bark, amber and woolly mammoth handle! email for price!

SOLD!! 400 layer, 6" ladder pattern Damascus modern Bowie.

2 new Damascus knives available! email me for pricing and details: forge33w@gmail.com
About Forge33:
I grew up part of a 4 generation steel mill family from Berks County, Pennsylvania. I was taught at an early age the value of hard work and the "do it yourself" way of getting the job done. My Father and Grandfather taught me many valuable skills throughout my years growing up, all those things I've grown to appreciate and build upon throughout my years and travels. I carried and utilized those skills and experiences with me throughout my 14 plus years in the US Army in all of my many military occupations, assignments, deployments and into the civilian sector
All of the pieces I create are handmade from start to finish using quality steel, stabilized handle materials and 100% all leather sheaths. The pieces I create are meant to be used..providing years of service. I am a small one man shop without power hammers or presses at my disposal...all of my work is 100% handmade!
The name Forge33 derives from my last US Army MOS;
33W3H - (Military Intelligence Electronic Warfare Systems Repairer/Maintainer) - Here's to you 33...you know who you are, all we've done and all we can do!
Thank You, to all my brothers and sisters for serving...past, present and future...freedom isn't free.
Kevin Adams

An awesome knife that fits me perfectly!...Thank YOU SOOO much!
Paul Lachica
Ebony camp knife

Once again, Forge33 crafted 3 quality blades and sheaths for me! I can't wait to pass 2 of them down to my son's...Thanks again Kevin!
Shane Baxter 2
3 skinner knives

Kevin crafted 4 knives for my son-in-law's and grandkids...excellent work and already getting used during this hunting season!
Robert Adams
4 knives for Christmas

Kevin created a beautiful Bowie for me! Great work...
Darin Miller
Custom Bowie

Forge33 exceeded my expectations with this blade! Kevin worked with me on what I wanted and I gave him the freedom to surprise me...and he definitely did!!
I have 3 more custom blades on order with him...can't wait for the work he produces..
Shane Baxter
Large Custom Bowie